Upcoming Meeting

Join us on Monday, September 16 for a Democratic Convention Report with Andi McNew, official convention delegate and club member.

We will have a Project 2025 presentation by Miriam Raftery, Award-Winning editor of East County Magazine.

Arrive early for best seating, faster food, and to meet more friends.

Harris/Walz yard signs available for half-price donation at the meeting.

Date and time: 6 PM, Monday, September 16
Location: Denny’s Restaurant, 1946 Main Street, Ramona

Bring your ideas, suggestions and smiles!

Help us get out the Vote!

  • California voting begins the week of Oct 6, when ballots are mailed to voters.

    That’s a good time to Show Our Flag again.
    Would you like to rally?
    Same time, same place.
    Save the date, and plan to join the fun.
    Arrive early. Meet new friends!

  • The county-wide GO-Team will conduct personal calls to area Democrats in October.
    Sign up for free training at sddems.link/gotraining.
    Nina Barris will coordinate this project.

  • 100 years ago, women couldn't vote. Now women will elect a woman as President!

    Men will vote for both parties. Most women will vote for VP Kamala Harris, giving Democrats victory.

    President Gerald Ford said it best. when asked what would happen once a woman was elected president "Once that barrier is broken, from then on, men better be careful because they’ll have a hard, hard time ever even getting a nomination in the future."

    For a treat, watch Put a Woman in Charge by Keb'Mo' and Roseanne Cash on Youtube.

  • Get a Harris-Walz yard or window sign for a $15 donation. Just half the online price.

    Available at our next meeting,

    Otherwise use the Contact option on the home page to arrange free delivery.

  • Interested in being a poll worker? contact pollworker@sdcounty.ca.gov

    Join Vote Forward and send letters to voters locally and nationwide. votefwd.org

  • As our club grows, so do the opportunities to get involved.
    Would you like to put your skills to work as a board member?
    Action or events chairman?
    Media expert?
    Let us know.