“A healthy Democracy depends on an informed citizenry.” Thomas Jefferson

“A healthy Democracy depends on an informed citizenry.” Thomas Jefferson

“I’m not a member of any organized political party – I’m a Democrat!” - Will Rogers

  • A “democrat” (small d) supports democracy and practices social equality. Most Americans fit this definition.

  • A “Democrat” (capital D) supports the Democratic Party, its goals, candidates and officeholders to build a better democracy.

  • A “Registered Democrat” has registered to vote in elections, including Democratic primaries.

  • A “Voting Democrat” casts their vote to decide the issues of the day.

  • A Ramona Democrat takes an active role in political issues. Some members are well known, but most of us are just concerned citizens trying to improve our world. We support each other, learn about issues, and act to influence government.

Our concerns reach from parks to Presidents. Respectful debate is welcomed.

Interested citizens are invited to join Ramona Democrats.