Unifying people to come together for our future.

Supporting Caring Americans

We are a group of concerned Ramona citizens who have come together to support other Ramonans with the same ideals and to let them know there are other like-minded people in our community.

Our goal is to promote democratic ideals of helping the less fortunate, supporting like-minded democratic candidates and the programs that help Americans. Together we will work to get the Democratic Nominee voted into office to help us make sure we keep the White House and save America!

Why is this the most important election we have ever voted in so far?

So many of our rights are on the line. No matter who you are, the Trump / Vance plan will negatively impact the lives of all working-class Americans!

Please read Project 2025 to learn more.

Then visit our section on how you can help!

Educating the Community

Join us to to learn what is happening locally and find ways that you can help get the word out and help voters get their vote in!

You can join meetings, letter writing campaigns, hang posters, help write newsletters, email campaigns, and other communications options to get the word out.

Join our 6:00 pm meetings on the third Monday monthly, where we explore issues and often host local political leaders.

All meetings are open to the public. Email for location.

Help Democrats win across CA and swing states!

Please join us!


Feel free to contact us with questions. or to join and find out how you can help get out the vote!